Sunday, March 30, 2014

Senior Year and Many Events

I just now realized how close graduation really is, I have a little over 2 months left of high school. The first of many senior meetings started Thursday on the topic of upcoming dates and the senior trip. We had the choices of: $115-Busch Gardens w/ lunch at Short Pump, $115-Dollywood w/ Ripley's Aquarium, $115-Baltimore shopping trip and Nationals v Phillies in DC w/ Cheesecake Factory, or $25- All you can eat buffet and carnival games at the local baseball stadium. The winner by 40 votes was Baltimore. We go there on a Thursday and get back at midnight. The very next day we have our senior breakfast, awards ceremony, and senior luncheon. We'll all be attacking the coffee machine at the senior breakfast conveniently scheduled the day after the senior trip. It'll be fun though, most of us have been to all the choices except Baltimore.

Last night was the start to many bonfires and birthday parties coming up. Last night was my friend Katey's surprise 18th birthday party at a local restaurant. Her family and a few friends were there, and we discovered how awesome her family is. Next weekend is my dad's birthday, so we'll be having the family over for supper that night. The next Friday I'm having a bonfire/game night with some friends, and it's also the night of the spring ball. The next day is Courtney's birthday bonfire at her family's farm. After that we have graduation parties to plan. May 31st is Relay for Life and the Blue Ridge Music Festival. Many things to prepare and so little time.

In other news, I'm probably attending the local community college for 2 years and later transfer to a university. This means I'll be getting a job to occupy my time I'd rather spend exploring a college town far away from here. One idea was being a waitress at my favorite BBQ place which is owned by my friend's parents. Another idea was being a freelance writer at the town paper. My favorite idea I'll only get to do in the summer, is being a counselor at a summer camp.

I've gone to a few summer camps, all of them being in middle school and high school. I've gone to many girl scout day camps, and two over night camps. I went to a church camp overnight for an entire week, the longest one I've gone to. I've gone to band camp 4 times, all of them being overnight for a week. Last summer I went with the juniors and seniors of my youth group camping for 2 nights. This summer I'll finally get to go to Student Life Camp with my youth group, that will be the longest camp I've been to once the week is over.

I'm interested in being a counselor at a summer camp because I love being around kids, and I love to teach. I've changed because of the camps I've gone to, they've made me who I am today, and I want to be a part of that experience for other kids. I never really appreciated summer camps while I was actually there, but after I left, the camp left something inside me that's stayed there. I miss going to camps, and I know I'm too old to go to a stereotypical summer camp as a camper, so why not be a counselor. I may be quiet sometimes, but I've learned that it's children that bring me out of my shell.

I've spent my entire weekend reminiscing instead of doing homework, and it's probably gonna stay that way. I'm so done with this school year and all the snow we've been getting.

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