Sunday, March 9, 2014

Camp and Assessment

Yesterday the concert band went to concert assessment at a local college where we performed three pieces and a sight reading piece. This was our first year going all grade 5 music, meaning our sight reading piece would be a grade 3. We did well, but not as well as we did at the concert. The sight reading was terrible. Personally, I did pretty good on our concert pieces, but the sight reading was still bad. The best part was the bus ride. It was likely the last time the seniors will get to ride the band bus. Parents wonder why most of the pictures from our competitions are from the bus ride, but it's honestly the best part of the trip. If there was a bad thing about assessment besides the sight reading, it was having the urge to cough throughout the entire piece in which I play piccolo. I held it down well enough that I could play the most needed parts from the piccolo, but the three measures I play a soli with the flutes, I missed half because of the tickle in my throat.

I've officially turned in my deposit for Student Life Camp at Myrtle Beach this summer!! After all these years watching my friends come to church on a Sunday in mid-June carrying their bags for a week at the beach and coming back with stories, pictures, and jokes, I finally get to join them. I'm sure my friends are getting tired of me expressing my excitement over this, but I can't contain myself!!

I'm excited that it's finally warming up and the smell of summer getting stronger, even though it makes the senioritis worse. The only thing between me and graduation is the AP exam. Everything else I've got planned shouldn't hurt me as painfully as the AP exam. I've got spring break, prom, game night, senior festival, Relay for Life, other school club events, youth group events, and end of the year banquets to look forward too. I'm gonna be celebrating May 18th when that exam is finished. We'll of course still have work to do in the class, but none of it will be near as stressful as the exam. The exam isn't required, but if I've suffered through this class all senior year, I'm gonna take the exam. The thing I'm afraid of most is how close summer really is, meaning the exam is even closer. Worrying won't help, but it sure does pass the time.

It might be a couple days before I post again depending on how much I hate the test in AP Bio tomorrow, so hopefully finishing Macbeth in English will put me in a good mood.

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