Saturday, April 12, 2014

Meeting Old Friends

I’d say today’s been a pretty good and productive day. I haven’t done any of my homework, but I feel really relaxed and calm. I slept til 10:30 and had my second favorite breakfast, french toast. I also had my 2 cups of coffee while scrolling through pinterest.
My dad was working around the house today, so mom and I went to look for shoes to wear to prom as well as some straps for my dress. We went to an arts and crafts store to find the straps, and ran into a neighbor who had moved into town around 8 years ago. Her 2 daughters were my best friends. One is a year older, and the other a year younger than me. The oldest is currently at college as a musical theater major and part of an A Capella group. The youngest is a junior in high school as a proclaimed writing major. After we bought our stuff at the store, her mom invited us to the smoothie shop on the lower level. The youngest sister was there waiting for us, so we sat there with our smoothies for about 30 minutes catching up since we haven’t talked in person for 7 years. We've all changed so much in such a short few years. Not only did I discover my favorite smoothie, but I got to meet an old best friend again. And we talked as if we still lived down the street from each other.I really wish I'd gotten to visit them more often after they moved. They truly were my closest friends even though none of us were in the same grade. 
After we left, mom and I went to mall to get the shoes and check out the new stores at the mall. We got a really late 3 o’clock lunch at Sbarro. We went to Food Lion to get ingredients for lunch tomorrow. And now we’re home.

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