Tuesday, March 4, 2014

National Marching Band Day and Mardi Gras

So I know I created this blog a ways back, but school kinda gets in the way. In case you don't know, I'm Megan, I'm 18 and a senior in high school, and I'm on a quest to find out who God wants me to be. I play flute, piccolo, and tenor saxophone in my school's marching band and concert band as well as occasionally playing with the church orchestra. I enjoy simple things such as a pretty picture, stories, coffee, and chocolate. There are many things I'd like to say I love to do, but I've realized that many of those things I've never truly experienced to their full extent, so when I get to things I'll share em. I do love to tell stories, watch movies, read, and blog (on tumblr). As for potential college majors, I've always wanted to be an Animal Science major, but lately I've also been considering journalism, education, and english. I like science, but I'm not good at it. I love things about all those potential majors, but there are the bad things though. For animal science I'd get to work with animals, but I'd have to worry about injury with a bad case scenario being never getting to play my flute again. In journalism I'd get to write and travel, but I've heard bad things about actually getting a job in journalism. With education I could teach, but I have no idea what I'd want to teach. With an english major I could teach, and that brings me back to the last sentence. In summary, I don't know what I want to do, so I'm praying that God will tell me what to do before I get too far into the wrong major.

As for today, my school got a 2 hour delay due to the snow and ice from yesterday which we had off. Because of all the days we've missed from snow, they took away the teacher work day Friday. Naturally, everyone protested having to come Friday and the seniors made it a senior skip day. I was planning to skip a half day, but there are two classes I can't miss. I can miss english first block, but AP Bio I must go to. I can skip gov't third block, but in concert band fourth block we're having our last rehearsal for assessment Saturday.

I'd like to say I'm that one senior who actually wants to be at school, but the senioritis has already set in. I love my classes and teachers, but I'm done with the tests. I'm so stressed from my AP class and concert band, that I have no free time. This post is being written in my homework time, but all I have tonight is a coloring sheet. My teachers seem to understand though they aren't letting us have it easy. All this stuff to do is leaving me scatter-brained. I can't concentrate as much as I used to, and the more abundant warm days aren't helping. The snow is leaving and the heat is coming. I can't help but read summer-themed novels and plan out my summer. I don't want to wish away senior year, but I want out.

In other news, I discovered today that my gov't teacher is a Trekkie like me!!

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