Friday, March 7, 2014

More From Today

My snow day has been as unproductive as expected. I should be studying or practicing, but the cold feeling from last night has returned. I hope it's just a snow day thing and not the fever coming back. I'd love to go to assessment tomorrow. The medicine is really helping, so maybe it'll hold me over til the end of assessment. I probably should've known this was coming though. I almost always get sick at least once every winter and it came last night. I just wish it was a one day thing. The worst part is constantly being cold and having this cough. I don't cough a lot, but when I do it hurts. Maybe the cold is coming from not eating a lot today. For some reason whenever I'm home for a day or it's really hot outside, I don't eat much. I might feel really hungry, but I won't be able eat as much as I would on a normal day.

The most productive thing I've done today is helping to relay news to people in the band. I suppose watching Gilmore Girls and college move-in videos don't count as productive, they seem to increase my senioritis. At least today has been a relaxing day.

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