Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Bible Club and Dove

I woke up today thinking it'd be a bad day since they uncanceled school Friday and we didn't get a delay today. Apparently I was wrong. Within an hour I was in a really really good mood, which isn't how you'd usually describe me in the morning. For the fist time since December, I went to Bible Club in the wonderful Mrs. Stritzky's room upstairs. I was a few minutes late, but I was gladly welcomed in and invited into the discussion. We talked about everyones' church's mission trips coming in the summer, what exactly lent is, and we prayed in a group.

I got to my first class, english, and we had a GREAT time reading Macbeth. Our teacher is also the drama teacher, so she had us acting in front of the class while we read from the book/script. In AP Biology we had a relaxed day going over the study guide for the plant quiz Friday and watching a video about plants. Government was spent taking notes and going over the test which we all did well on for once.

Band was probably the best class today. I play flute mostly since a new kid came up from the middle school last year. He's our best flutist and piccoloist, so naturally, he gets the best parts of both instruments. I will admit I was angry at first since I'd just gotten the hang of being the piccolo in class, but we became friends and the rest is history. We're kind of partners now in band, he helps me with the questions I have, and I relieve the tension in the air radiating from the lowest chairs in the section. It's us two and a couple other flutes who actually practice, so it gets stressful sometimes.

Anyways, I figured out how our band director determines which one of us will get the piccolo part. Chase gets the part with the most differences from the flute part, and I get the part most similar to the flute part. Chase plays much more confidently than I do on piccolo, I'm always afraid of standing out too much. Because of this, we both get piccolo parts for the winter concert, Chase gets the piccolo parts for assessment, and I get the piccolo parts for the spring concert. What surprised me though, was when our band director upgraded me from 2nd flute to piccolo in one of our assessment pieces. Chase already had one piccolo part and played it really well, so I was confused when I received the other part. What surprised me even more was when the band director ask me if I was okay with switch since it was a week and a half before the concert and 2 and half weeks before assessment. One does not simply say no to the band director, so I said yes.

Because of AP Biology, I haven't gotten much time to practice for assessment and it's really been stressing me out in class. As a result, I didn't play out at the concert last week. Today however, I prayed a simple prayer for confidence in my playing. That was the best I had ever played the part on piccolo. There's a few measures in the slow section where I was having trouble since I really stand out in that spot, and I got it today!!

So today was a good day and I'm now at home avoiding my homework and eating Dove dark chocolate. We got a HUGE study guide for such a little quiz on Friday and I've only read the first page, so I'll need to get to that. In other news, I heard about a show called Almost Human, and I watched some clips on Youtube and I LOVED it. I really don't want to study, but I have practice tomorrow and I won't get home til 6. I like studying in silence, which my house is the opposite of. The library isn't an option either since it closes at 5 or 6. So I'll go study now and hope the quiz is easier than this study guide.

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