Monday, March 10, 2014

Colleges, Biology, and Books

I know it's March, but I have this urge to apply to a couple other colleges. I applied to VT, but I'll likely go to VWCC for financial reasons. I have the opportunity to go to VWCC my first 2 years for free, maybe. There are 2 other places I want to apply to, but my parents aren't as willing to help me if I go there. The reason I want to go to the other places is so I can leave this town. I love my hometown, but I've never been away from it for more than a week or two every summer, usually just a few days at a time. My house, as I've discovered this year, is very distracting when I try to do homework. I know there'll be a lot more to do by going away to college and more to distract me, but there'll also be more places to help me concentrate. I have trouble studying at home and it's showing in my grades.

I have this need for adventure as well, I know I'll be doing plenty of exploring this summer, but living in a new place would be a wonderful opportunity. I could get to know a new place and discover it like I have home. I want to meet new people, not see the all same ones in a community college. I want opportunities, a job, friends, adventure, and so many things, but it's not about what I want is it? I'm not sure where it is God is leading me to go. I'm not sure how I'll know when He does tell me.

I did notice today though, that I seem to be trying to follow in the steps of a friend of mine, Grace. She's a year ahead of me but only 2 months older, she goes to VT and has been a mentor and friend to me for many years. As I was thinking about my path today, I noticed how similar a path I'm trying to follow is to her's. I don't mean to copy, but I think she's noticed and has distanced herself from me. Not that it's a bad thing, she has a lot going on and doesn't need me as much I need her.

You may ask how I so suddenly got to thinking about all this so late in application season, there are few reasons, all of which happened today. I saw Grace on my way home, my friend got accepted into his first choice, my band friends were talking of graduation cap decorating, and I received a magazine for possible applicants to JMU.

My overall goal is to attend VT, so JMU would be very hard to transfer from since they have a reputation of holding onto their students, in ways that range from love of the school to not enough math courses to transfer. A lot of my friends go to JMU, including my best friend, so I've considered applying there as well as another nearby university. Both are a but more costly than VWCC though.

Enough about college, lets go back to today. As a result of being sick all weekend, I didn't have a chance nor the energy to study for the test in AP Biology today. And because I didn't study, I could remember hardly anything, making me bs the entire thing. I gave the most sarcastic answers, the teacher will be rolling on the floor laughing, or crying of how badly I did. I'm not exactly proud, but I wrote an explanation, not an excuse, but a reason to why I did so poorly. So I'm hoping for mercy.

As for books, I've gone back to reading and watching Harry Potter again. I'm too busy to really get into any novels, so I'm reading some books that're good , but not enough to not let me go do things I need to get done, as well as some I can always fall back on.

No homework tonight, so I've got time to read and write, that's if my parents let me though. I got a desk in my room and moved my laptop in there, so I'm almost always in my room. My parents are complaining about it, but whenever I join them in the living room, it's just to watch tv or get criticized. I should probably stop typing before I fall asleep, cough medicine is making me a bit drowsy.

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