Friday, March 7, 2014

Concert Assessment and More Snow

Today so far has been filled with various texts from all across the band. Tomorrow is concert assessment and today we got a snow day. The funny story for today is that this day was supposed to be a scheduled day off. Because of all the days we got out for snow though, they turned this teacher work day into a make-up day. The students didn't take the news well, especially those who'd have to miss because of previously scheduled doctor's appointments, scholarship lunches, and jobs. As a result, today became a senior skip day. I wasn't planning on skipping because we had a paper to prepare for english, a test in AP Bio, nothing but talking in gov't, and a last rehearsal in band before assessment.

Even though I was flute section leader in the marching band but not the concert band, I still have those mannerisms and take on some of the jobs myself. Those jobs including taking care of music and instruments so they make it onto the bus and stay in good repair and getting out news. You can imagine, today I'm hoping none of the flutes do anything stupid, and they all remember to bring their music and instruments tomorrow. Like I said, today has been full of texts across the band. The band director texts the concert band section leaders (not me), and they text all the people they have in their phone who are in band, even if they aren't in their section. There are a handful of people who aren't in marching band, but are in concert band, so few people have contact with them. This is why when we have an event going on or changes in the schedule, we get multiples of the same text to make sure everyone gets the news.

It's good for me that we got today off. I got a fever last night and a headache bad enough I couldn't study for the test we were supposed to have in AP Bio. I'm fine now, with a cough though, but I'm thankful I got a day to relax. I haven't gone to sleep before 11 any night for the past 2 weeks, save last night. The medicine I'm taking has helped a lot, though the side effect of increased heart rate is a little worrying. I just pray that I'll continue to get better so I can make it to assessment tomorrow. The main reason I want to go isn't because I'm obligated and required to go, but because of 2 reasons; it'll likely be my last trip on the band bus, and I play piccolo in one piece with a few measures in which I stand out a lot. I actually got a complement from the band director yesterday on my piccolo playing even though I was sick and not playing as well as I can. I hope tomorrow I'll have enough confidence to play out in that piece and give it my all.

The one regret I have from marching band is not giving it my absolute all. I kind of gave it my all, but not getting into shape before the season started made me unable to give it my absolute all. That's why I want to do what I can in concert band and encourage those joining the marching band next year, so they know just how much marching band is worth. I doubt I'll get invited back to band camp as an instructor, the chance are very slim, but I'm still allowed to visit for a few hours. Those few hours will be very fun for me and full of memories. The past four years of marching band, I've kept a journal for part of the season, 3 of those years the journals were from band camp, I'd have to look back through the journals to see if they go farther through the season. Even if I only kept journals from band camp, the pictures I've saved throughout the seasons are filled to the brim with stories that'll keep the memories alive. Marching band is worth it. "They never said it would be easy, they just said it'd be worth it."

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